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All posts are written by Adrianne unless otherwise credited

Collaboration, Blog, Guest Blog, ProTips, Top 5 Adrianne Behning Collaboration, Blog, Guest Blog, ProTips, Top 5 Adrianne Behning

5 Tips to Help Students Avoid Procrastination

Learn 5 that will help all nursing students plan to avoid procrastinating - something a lot of students do despite their best efforts. In this contributed post from Amelia Baker, 5 basic rules for better time management are broken down for you to adopt on your road to academic success. Thanks to them for sharing their insights with the Nursing Uncensored Universe.

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Guest Blog, Blog, Back-to-School Adrianne Behning Guest Blog, Blog, Back-to-School Adrianne Behning

How To Study Smarter By Discovering Your Learning Style [Infographic - Guest Blog from Study Medicine Europe]

Study Medicine Europe developed this infographic, ‘How To Study Smarter By Discovering Your Learning Style’. They explain the three styles in more detail, provide helpful pointers around how to identify what sort of a social learner you are, and propose ten practical tips for better study.

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Editorial, Blog, Collaboration, Guest Blog Adrianne Behning Editorial, Blog, Collaboration, Guest Blog Adrianne Behning

The Art of Attracting and Retaining Nurses: Q&A with Talent Advocates from Incredible Health

Incredible Health Talent Advocates and Registered Nurses Molly Rindt, Erika Haywood, and Jack Kluesner took some time to answer questions on the pressing issue of retaining experienced nurses in patient care roles.

In this blog post, we’re going to address ways hospitals can do just that, and how those of us still on the units and at the bedside can have an influence on this as well.

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Blog, Amazon Faves, Guest Blog Adrianne Behning Blog, Amazon Faves, Guest Blog Adrianne Behning

The Origin of Nurse Papa: A Guest Blog by David Metzger, R.N.

“My goal, when I began my book Nurse Papa, was to capture and describe what I could of the rarified and impactful moments which occur within these hospital rooms – the good and the bad. What it turned into was an emotional exploration of the lives of these children and a journey into the complicated and nuanced experience of parenting to a child with cancer. It occurred to me very quickly that there was so much to be learned and cherished from these children and their families.”

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Back-to-School, Blog, Guest Blog, Nurse Hacks, ProTips Adrianne Behning Back-to-School, Blog, Guest Blog, Nurse Hacks, ProTips Adrianne Behning

Science-backed Study Tips for Nurses : A Guest Blog from Pocket Prep

Saying nurses are busy is like saying grass is green. Adding in the need to study for an exam or certification is just one more thing to deal with - studying is basically a part-time job when you’re a nursing student. Here’s the good thing - there are a few tried and true study methods that science has given the thumbs up.

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