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All posts are written by Adrianne unless otherwise credited

Blog, Amazon Faves, Guest Blog Adrianne Behning Blog, Amazon Faves, Guest Blog Adrianne Behning

The Origin of Nurse Papa: A Guest Blog by David Metzger, R.N.

“My goal, when I began my book Nurse Papa, was to capture and describe what I could of the rarified and impactful moments which occur within these hospital rooms – the good and the bad. What it turned into was an emotional exploration of the lives of these children and a journey into the complicated and nuanced experience of parenting to a child with cancer. It occurred to me very quickly that there was so much to be learned and cherished from these children and their families.”

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10 Tips for Nurses with Attention Deficit Disorder | Collab with Jami of the Neurodivergent Nurse podcast

Welcome to this collaboration blog between Nursing Uncensored and Jami from the popular nursing podcast First Do No Harm. Adrianne joins Jami on her new podcast The Neurodivergent Nurse to share her ADD symptoms and how she deals with them on shift. Product and affiliate links are provided.

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Blog, Amazon Faves Adrianne Behning Blog, Amazon Faves Adrianne Behning

The Sweaty Nurse's Remedy List: Part 2

 Here in the United States, we’re experiencing the “Dog Days of Summer”. As the heat and humidity persist, many of us have no tolerance for poly-blend scrubs and running our butts off for half the day. Sadly, quitting a job from May to October just isn’t realistic for most of us. That in mind, let’s talk about some more ways all you fellow sweaty nurses can make it through these final hot weeks of the year. 

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Amazon Faves Adrianne Behning Amazon Faves Adrianne Behning

Listener mail: Scent options for those stinky tasks

Mike writes in and asks about heavily scented chapstick that Adrianne has mentioned somewhere down the line. She fell down and Amazon rabbit hole and found a number of anti-stink options for nurses in a variety of settings. Check out these items guaranteed to make things smell better, or will at least make you laugh.

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Amazon Faves, Blog Adrianne Behning Amazon Faves, Blog Adrianne Behning

25 Nurses' Week Gift Ideas from a Nurse

National Nurses Week will take place May 6-12, 2019 . It’s a great time to show the nurses in your life how much you appreciate all the things they do to improve the lives and health of others. While the gifts we really want are adequate staffing and a violence-free workplace, we also appreciate the smaller gifts ranging from beautiful gestures to helpful gadgets. Here are 25 ideas.

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