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All posts are written by Adrianne unless otherwise credited

Collaboration, Blog, Guest Blog, ProTips, Top 5 Adrianne Behning Collaboration, Blog, Guest Blog, ProTips, Top 5 Adrianne Behning

5 Tips to Help Students Avoid Procrastination

Learn 5 that will help all nursing students plan to avoid procrastinating - something a lot of students do despite their best efforts. In this contributed post from Amelia Baker, 5 basic rules for better time management are broken down for you to adopt on your road to academic success. Thanks to them for sharing their insights with the Nursing Uncensored Universe.

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10 Tips for Nurses with Attention Deficit Disorder | Collab with Jami of the Neurodivergent Nurse podcast

Welcome to this collaboration blog between Nursing Uncensored and Jami from the popular nursing podcast First Do No Harm. Adrianne joins Jami on her new podcast The Neurodivergent Nurse to share her ADD symptoms and how she deals with them on shift. Product and affiliate links are provided.

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Favorites, Editorial, Blog, ProTips, Social Media Adrianne Behning Favorites, Editorial, Blog, ProTips, Social Media Adrianne Behning

10 MORE Educational Instagram Accounts for Nurses

As nurses, we never stop learning, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring. In this post, we’re going to focus on ten more Instagram accounts that make me think and teach me things. There are lots of other accounts I follow in the medical/nursing universe but these are just some more favorites, in no particular order.

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Blog, Editorial, Pandemic Blog, Self-care, ProTips Adrianne Behning Blog, Editorial, Pandemic Blog, Self-care, ProTips Adrianne Behning

F*ck Resolutions + 5 Habits I'm Keeping in 2021

It’s no secret - I am not a fan of the New Year’s resolution. I think there’s a lot of pressure and hype to make broad, sweeping changes to our lives starting January 1 . I decided long ago that resolutions are not for me. Resolutions, no. Resets, yes. So what’s the difference? Keep reading to find out.

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Back-to-School, Blog, Guest Blog, Nurse Hacks, ProTips Adrianne Behning Back-to-School, Blog, Guest Blog, Nurse Hacks, ProTips Adrianne Behning

Science-backed Study Tips for Nurses : A Guest Blog from Pocket Prep

Saying nurses are busy is like saying grass is green. Adding in the need to study for an exam or certification is just one more thing to deal with - studying is basically a part-time job when you’re a nursing student. Here’s the good thing - there are a few tried and true study methods that science has given the thumbs up.

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Blog, Nurse Hacks, ProTips Adrianne Behning Blog, Nurse Hacks, ProTips Adrianne Behning


Don’t you hate it when you go to reposition your total care patient and you discover that the rectal tube has done nothing but leak since the last clean-up? It happens from time to time, and sometimes can’t be helped. You just can’t will someone to have improved rectal tone. But you can eliminate most of your leak-related issues with a few common-sense steps.

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