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Welcome to the Blog.
All posts are written by Adrianne unless otherwise credited
The Unwritten Rules of Nurses' Station Etiquette: A Comprehensive Guide
Welcome to the nurses' station, the bustling hub of any hospital unit where nurses come together for shift change, to chart, take breaks, and catch up on the latest gossip. It’s also the place where a lot of noise, personalities, and chaos all come together in a very tight space. While the rules of nursing practice are well established, there are also some unwritten rules which govern the behavior of nurses in this space to preserve the delicate professional and social homeostasis. In this post, we'll explore the "unwritten rules" of nurses' station etiquette.
Adrianne's 2023 in Review: A Year of Change, Action, Pushing Through
Adrianne is bidding farewell to the last year by reflecting on the wild ride that was 2023. Check out this timeline to learn who she met up with, what life-altering changes occurred, and how she’s looking to the future.
The Art of Attracting and Retaining Nurses: Q&A with Talent Advocates from Incredible Health
Incredible Health Talent Advocates and Registered Nurses Molly Rindt, Erika Haywood, and Jack Kluesner took some time to answer questions on the pressing issue of retaining experienced nurses in patient care roles.
In this blog post, we’re going to address ways hospitals can do just that, and how those of us still on the units and at the bedside can have an influence on this as well.
Reflections on Angry Patients by an Angry Nurse
This is a reflection I wrote after a very challenging shift. I usually keep my chill at work pretty well. I’m known for my patience and calming effect on patients with psych or anxiety issues. So what you are about to read are my own thoughts after a shift where I didn’t handle myself so well. I hope this message helps some of you reading this feel less alone in your own frustrations and a little closer to being able to control them when it matters most.
10 MORE Educational Instagram Accounts for Nurses
As nurses, we never stop learning, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring. In this post, we’re going to focus on ten more Instagram accounts that make me think and teach me things. There are lots of other accounts I follow in the medical/nursing universe but these are just some more favorites, in no particular order.
This Nurse's COVID Vaccine Experience
I want to share my recent experience with getting my COVID-19 vaccination, so I’m going to read my journal to you (with some edits, of course). I have a lot of strong opinions about the COVID vaccine and the way my state and country are handling this ongoing pandemic, but this isn’t that kind of episode. This is just my personal vaccine experience.
F*ck Resolutions + 5 Habits I'm Keeping in 2021
It’s no secret - I am not a fan of the New Year’s resolution. I think there’s a lot of pressure and hype to make broad, sweeping changes to our lives starting January 1 . I decided long ago that resolutions are not for me. Resolutions, no. Resets, yes. So what’s the difference? Keep reading to find out.
8 Ways Nurses Can Create More LGBTQ+ Inclusive Spaces: A Guest Blog by Jeannie Gainsburg of the Savvy Ally
Jeannie Gainsburg is the author of the new book The Savvy Ally: A Guide for Becoming a Skilled LGBTQ+ Advocate and founder of Savvy Ally Action. In this guest blog, she offers 8 ways for nurses to create safe, inclusive spaces for their LGBTQ patients.
My 15 Favorite Foods for a 12-hour Shift
Food is fuel and nurses definitely need fuel during busy 12-hour shifts. Adrianne presents her 15 favorite on-the-go work foods in hopes of inspiring you and putting some fun back in your lunch bag.
Goals of a 4th Year Nurse and a Pandemic Update from NUHQ
Cheers to another “Pandemic Edition” of the blog. As a direct result of the complete upheaval of day to day life in a post-COVID-19 world, Here are the professional and personal goals I have set for the year ahead of me.
Goals of a Nurse in Her 2nd Year
I’ve grown by leaps and bounds in the last 12 months, but there’s still an unmeasurable amount left to do and learn as I move forward. That's true of any nurse.
So Cheers to the future! My sights are on growing through my 2nd year with grace and patience.
So, Your Nurse Declined Your Friend Request: 4 Reasons Why
Well, guys, it happened.
I got my first Facebook friend request from a patient.
6 Ways to Welcome Your Floaters & Travelers
Keep your nurse karma good and treat your nursing brothers and sisters to a warm welcome when they come your way.
Therapeutic Journaling with Minimal Commitment
A Sentence Journal is a no muss, no fuss system. Learn more about it here.
My World at Night
I felt like the night, in some small way, belonged to me and how dare they trample it with their daytime voices and fresh coffee smells.
Night Shift: 5 Things I Love, 5 Things I Hate
Where the hell do I even begin to talk about my twisted love affair with night time?
I Don't Want Your Germs.
People are gross. You are gross. I am gross. People - all people - are gross.