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Welcome to the Blog.
All posts are written by Adrianne unless otherwise credited
The Art of Attracting and Retaining Nurses: Q&A with Talent Advocates from Incredible Health
Incredible Health Talent Advocates and Registered Nurses Molly Rindt, Erika Haywood, and Jack Kluesner took some time to answer questions on the pressing issue of retaining experienced nurses in patient care roles.
In this blog post, we’re going to address ways hospitals can do just that, and how those of us still on the units and at the bedside can have an influence on this as well.
Listener mail: Should I Take Anatomy During Summer Session?
Adrianne shares a real listener email with a question about taking an Anatomy class as a 6-week online summer session instead of the normal 16-week semester. As usual, Adrianne has an opinion and she’s eager to talk it out.