How To Study Smarter By Discovering Your Learning Style [Infographic - Guest Blog from Study Medicine Europe]
a post by Aris Grigoriou/Study Medicine Europe
Everyone, even people who have long since finished school, can benefit from learning more about themselves in order to level up how they process information. Schools so often fall into a regimented, monolithic approach to learning and teaching that most of us finish years of formal education with no real idea of our individual learning style. By the time we’re in higher education or our first post-graduate jobs, we’re basically on auto-pilot with how we approach learning new things.
Contrary to how most education systems function, there are actually three distinct learning styles that affect how we retain information:
Kinesthetic (or Tactile)
In a classroom, course, or training setting, the three learning styles significantly affect how we receive, process, and apply information. These styles don’t reflect aptitudes, it’s actually more about taking the time to reflect on our own characteristics, habits and preferences to identify our individual learning style.
When we have the objective understanding of what kind of learners we are, we’re empowered to apply that knowledge to everything. From how we structure our workday to how we respond to workplace challenges, we’re in a position to optimize and improve how we operate in every situation. This could also flow on to creating more user-friendly settings and circumstances, e.g. such as when we’re onboarding with new equipment or finding out every team members’ learning styles to ensure everyone is supported when it comes to training. The beauty of understanding our learning styles is that we’re well-positioned to be more empathetic with ourselves as well as others, which can have extraordinarily positive outcomes for everyone.
Now, to help with understanding this topic in comprehensive detail, Study Medicine Europe developed this infographic, ‘How To Study Smarter By Discovering Your Learning Style’. They explain the three styles in more detail, provide helpful pointers around how to identify what sort of a social learner you are, and propose ten practical tips for better study. Read on for the full graphic and be on the road to better results in study and work!