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All posts are written by Adrianne unless otherwise credited

Guest Blog, Blog, Back-to-School Adrianne Behning Guest Blog, Blog, Back-to-School Adrianne Behning

How To Study Smarter By Discovering Your Learning Style [Infographic - Guest Blog from Study Medicine Europe]

Study Medicine Europe developed this infographic, ‘How To Study Smarter By Discovering Your Learning Style’. They explain the three styles in more detail, provide helpful pointers around how to identify what sort of a social learner you are, and propose ten practical tips for better study.

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Blog, Favorites, Technology Adrianne Behning Blog, Favorites, Technology Adrianne Behning

My 20 Favorite Healthcare Podcasts (2017)

Anyone who knows me, knows I am a podcast hoarder. I am constantly listening to them, subscribing to new ones and unsubscribing from the ones that just didn't grab me. Or maybe I just fell out of love with them. I have podcasts for different moods and circumstances. And, yes, they're all sorted in my phone by category. Today my focus will be on those related to medicine, healthcare, nursing, and the allied health professions.

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