Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation Grand Challenge with Jaime Dawson MPH
Happy National Nurses Week to everyone in the Nursing Uncensored universe!
Adrianne is excited to welcome Jaime Dawson, MPH, the Director of Program Operations for the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Grand Challenge and Innovation at the American Nurses Association.
Jaime’s past programmatic work at the ANA has included occupational safety and health topics, such as safe patient handling and mobility, healthcare worker vaccination, violence prevention, and sharps safety. She attended George Washington University’s School of Public Health and Health Services and earned a Master’s of Public Health degree with a focus on environmental and occupational health.
Jaime and Adrianne discuss the health status of nurses in the United States, the mission and functions of the ANA, and they highlight resources and ways to get involved with the HNHN™ Grand Challenge. Please keep reading for helpful links and information.
If this episode has inspired you to get involved with this wonderful challenge, Adrianne would love to know about it. Drop a comment or email or use the Contact Adrianne page
Thanks again to Jaime and the American Nurses Association for reaching out.
ANA 2019 National Nurses Week Webinar
Nurses4Us: Elevating the Profession! (Free Webinar)
Wednesday, May 8th, 2019
Learn more about the American Nurses Association at
Facebook: @AmericanNursesAssociaiton
Twitter: @ANANursingWorld
Instagram: @ANANursingWorld
National Nurses Week Hashtag: #NursesWeek
Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation (HNHN) Twitter: @HealthyNurseUSA
HNHN: @HealthyNurseUSA
HNHN hashtag: #HealthyNurse
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Recorded with Zoom Web Conferencing
Edited with Adobe Audition
Copyright-free music included in this episode found in the YouTube Audio Library:
Lightning Bug by Geographer