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This archive features audio-only episodes starting from 2017, including interviews with various healthcare professionals

such as floor nurses, flight nurses, nurse authors, nurse practitioners, entrepreneurs, physicians, and more.

With over 140 interviews available, you can explore a wide range of perspectives and insights from allied professionals.

keep scrolling for episodes or search the archive by tag above.

Entreprenuership, Nurse Interview, Season 8 Adrianne Behning Entreprenuership, Nurse Interview, Season 8 Adrianne Behning

LPN Magic with The Nurse Sam

This week we’re shouting-out the magic of Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses with @TheNurseSam. She and Adrianne are bringing you the hot tea on this often-underappreciated group of professionals including what the LPN role entails, how Sam came to be a proud practicing member and, later, a successful entrepreneur helping countless nursing students.

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Authors, Nurse Interview, Season 7 Adrianne Behning Authors, Nurse Interview, Season 7 Adrianne Behning

The Path to Self-Advocacy for New Nurses with Deanna Mackey, RN

In this episode, Adrianne chats with the nurse and author Deanna Mackey about her experiences in the early days of her career in a variety of settings and a variety of ways she was subject to the old cliche of nurses eating their young. This conversation will provide new grads with some perspective on how they are deserving of respect even as learning members of the profession.

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Nurse Interview, ProTips, Season 5, Self-Care Adrianne Behning Nurse Interview, ProTips, Season 5, Self-Care Adrianne Behning

New Nurses! Step into Your Power! with Jannel Gooden, BSN, RN

In this episode, Adrianne tries to control her fangirling long enough to welcome nurse, educator, and coach Jannel Gooden of Novice is the New Nurse. As the title gives away, Jannel is on a mission to help new nurses step into their power. Jannel brings such light to this episode and Adrianne is confident that you’ll feel the inspiration and calm she projects.

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Season 3, Allied Health, Self-Care Adrianne Behning Season 3, Allied Health, Self-Care Adrianne Behning

Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation Grand Challenge with Jaime Dawson MPH

Happy National Nurses Week to everyone in the Nursing Uncensored universe!

Adrianne is excited to welcome Jaime Dawson, MPH, the Director of Program Operations for the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Grand Challenge and Innovation at the American Nurses Association.

Jaime and Adrianne discuss the health status of nurses in the United States, the mission and functions of the ANA, and they highlight resources and ways to get involved with the HNHN™ Grand Challenge. Please keep reading for helpful links and information.

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