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This archive features audio-only episodes starting from 2017, including interviews with various healthcare professionals

such as floor nurses, flight nurses, nurse authors, nurse practitioners, entrepreneurs, physicians, and more.

With over 140 interviews available, you can explore a wide range of perspectives and insights from allied professionals.

keep scrolling for episodes or search the archive by tag above.

Career, Nurse Interview, Season 8 Adrianne Behning Career, Nurse Interview, Season 8 Adrianne Behning

The Path to Becoming America's Favorite Nurse with Alice Benjamin

In this episode, Adrianne chats with Alice Benjamin, board-certified Clinical Nurse Specialist, Family Nurse Practitioner, and on-air health medical contributor for NBC 4 in Los Angeles. They discuss Alice’s career path and challenges, the research and preparation that goes into her work as an on-air contributor, and her advice for nurses who want to use social media to educate and advocate.

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Nurse Interview, Season 6, Self-Care Adrianne Behning Nurse Interview, Season 6, Self-Care Adrianne Behning

Surviving Cancer During a Pandemic: One Nurse's Story with Courtney Shihabuddin, DNP, APRN-CNP

In this episode, Adrianne welcomes Nurse Practitioner, educator, mentor, blogger, cancer survivor, and mom, Courtney Shihabuddin, DNP, APRN-CNP. She recounts her surreal experience being diagnosed with breast cancer just as COVID was causing the overwhelm and shutdown of healthcare facilities across the country in early 2020. She takes us through the timeline of her treatment, surgeries and complications very openly, candidly, and with just enough humor to keep us from losing our composure.

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Season 6, Nurse Interview Adrianne Behning Season 6, Nurse Interview Adrianne Behning

Nurses with Migraines: A Chat with Nurse Isla

In this episode, Adrianne welcomes special guest Isla, a General Practice nurse from Scotland. Isla and Adrianne met through Instagram and this interview is their first time speaking - you’d never know since they talk like old friends. Isla, like Adrianne, is a migraine sufferer. Adrianne welcomes Isla to share her long and intense experiences dealing with this chronic condition and how it has affected her personally and professionally.

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Nurse Interview, Season 5 Adrianne Behning Nurse Interview, Season 5 Adrianne Behning

Clinic to COVID ICU: One Nurse's Experience with Macy Hall MSN RN

In this episode, Adrianne sits down with nurse and former co-worker Macy Hall. 2020 has thrown Macy a number of challenges. One of those challenges was being reassigned from her outpatient clinic job to her hospital’s emergency COVID ICU. Though Macy has previous relevant bedside experience, it’s been a while and it’s been a challenge to reacclimate to the world of acute care. Macy lays down the truth in this raw interview.

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Season 5, Relationships Adrianne Behning Season 5, Relationships Adrianne Behning

When You're the Partner of a Nurse: The Real Tea with Doug

In this episode, Adrianne welcomes her partner, Doug for the real tea on what it’s like being a partner-in-crime with a nurse. Their 13-year relationship spans Adrianne’s journey from Nursing Assistant to Nursing Student to Registered Nurse to BSN student. They spend an hour in the Nursing Uncensored studio telling you all about their challenges, secrets to success, and future plans.

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Nurse Interview, Season 5 Adrianne Behning Nurse Interview, Season 5 Adrianne Behning

There Was a Hurricane in Iowa? Nurses Jasmine and Amy Explain

Parts of Iowa were blown into ruin by a storm that created sustained winds of up to 100mph. This is a special episode, recorded by telephone while Adrianne and many fellow Iowans were without power and other critical needs. Two nurses join Adrianne by telephone from a literal disaster area - Jasmine and Amy spend some time sharing their experiences as residents of Cedar Rapids.

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Season 4, Nurse Interview, Authors, Career, Humor Adrianne Behning Season 4, Nurse Interview, Authors, Career, Humor Adrianne Behning

Pt. 1: Conversation with a Flight Nurse - Robert P. Harris

Welcome to part one of a three-part series with Robert P. Harris, flight nurse and author. This conversation was recorded as a video podcast that you can view in its entirety on the here. For your listening convenience, the entire conversation has been ripped and cut into tidy little packages for your ears. This is part one of three.

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Season 3, Allied Health, Self-Care Adrianne Behning Season 3, Allied Health, Self-Care Adrianne Behning

Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation Grand Challenge with Jaime Dawson MPH

Happy National Nurses Week to everyone in the Nursing Uncensored universe!

Adrianne is excited to welcome Jaime Dawson, MPH, the Director of Program Operations for the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Grand Challenge and Innovation at the American Nurses Association.

Jaime and Adrianne discuss the health status of nurses in the United States, the mission and functions of the ANA, and they highlight resources and ways to get involved with the HNHN™ Grand Challenge. Please keep reading for helpful links and information.

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Season 2, Humor, Nurse Interview Adrianne Behning Season 2, Humor, Nurse Interview Adrianne Behning

What's in My Nursing Work Bag?

Well, folks, today we're digging through Adrianne's giant bag that she drags to her job as an intermediate pulmonary nurse. Unlike the very anti-climactic 'What's in My Pockets?" episode from a while back, this time she's got way more to dig through. You see, she's what you call an over-packer. Reserve your judgement as you listen and then go clean out your own bag, locker, car, or whatever. 

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Season 2, Career, Nurse Interview Adrianne Behning Season 2, Career, Nurse Interview Adrianne Behning

A Travel Nurse & Her Adventure Muppet: Part 1

This week you're dropping in on the conversation Adrianne had with her old pal Lindsay, a traveling nurse and cool human that she can literally talk to for hours and hours on end. They cover many topics in this episode including how Lindsay caught the travel bug, weighing the pros and cons of different contracts and locations, her adventure dog, licensing for travelers, and getting tricked into wiping butts of patients who really can do it themselves.

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Season 2, Allied Health, Career, Nurse Interview Adrianne Behning Season 2, Allied Health, Career, Nurse Interview Adrianne Behning

Talking with a Medical Examiner Investigator Pt. 2

I think part two of my talk with Dorothy is as profound as it is irreverent. Dorothy explains how people die as they lived and we ponder elements of 'a good death'. We absolutely must address the need for a morbid sense of humor in high-stress, high-trauma fields, as evidenced by almost every joke we crack. Then we dig deeper into her work as a medical examiner investigator and explore the classification system used to document death by the Medical Examiner.

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Season 2, Career, Humor, Relationships Adrianne Behning Season 2, Career, Humor, Relationships Adrianne Behning

Calling Patients Wrong Names, Relationships with Management, and Report Styles

In this conversation between Adrianne and old pal Andrew Craig they topic-hop, as usual. They discuss the horrors of calling a patient by the wrong name, more comparisons between day and night shift (since Andrew has officially been working days), relationships with management, and personal preferences in getting and giving report. If you've been paying attention, you will also know that they talk about a hundred other little things along the way.  

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