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This archive features audio-only episodes starting from 2017, including interviews with various healthcare professionals

such as floor nurses, flight nurses, nurse authors, nurse practitioners, entrepreneurs, physicians, and more.

With over 140 interviews available, you can explore a wide range of perspectives and insights from allied professionals.

keep scrolling for episodes or search the archive by tag above.

Entreprenuership, Nurse Interview, Season 8 Adrianne Behning Entreprenuership, Nurse Interview, Season 8 Adrianne Behning

LPN Magic with The Nurse Sam

This week we’re shouting-out the magic of Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses with @TheNurseSam. She and Adrianne are bringing you the hot tea on this often-underappreciated group of professionals including what the LPN role entails, how Sam came to be a proud practicing member and, later, a successful entrepreneur helping countless nursing students.

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Back-to-School, ProTips, Season 7, Top 10 Adrianne Behning Back-to-School, ProTips, Season 7, Top 10 Adrianne Behning

13 Back-to-School Pro Tips for Nursing Students

Adrianne hops on the mic to give you more of her tried and true tips for surviving the semester ahead. Nursing school may be the hardest thing you've ever done, but that doesn't mean there aren't things that will make your life way easier. Adrianne covers mindset, time management, ideas, and tools to make your day-to-day so much better.

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Career, COVID-19, Humor, Nurse Interview, Season 6 Adrianne Behning Career, COVID-19, Humor, Nurse Interview, Season 6 Adrianne Behning

Down & Dirty with a CVICU Nurse: Talk with Blake

In this episode, Adrianne welcomes CVICU nurse Blake (no, not Blake Lynch), who is both knowledgeable and totally NSFW in all the best ways. In addition to some off-color jokes that render Adrianne speechless, they talk about tons of stuff both in and out of the ICU. This conversation goes from heavy to light many times, so be prepared for a rollercoaster of emotions.

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Student Nurse Precepting: Pt. 2 with Nurse Margo

Margo is back with Adrianne for part 2 of their discussion on precepting senior nursing students. In this episode recorded in May 2020, they talk about starting the new semester with new students when COVID hit the United States hard. They talk about their experiences and the effects of COVID-19 upon nursing programs and students, and how clinical sites and preceptors have adapted to the challenge.

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Feeling Derailed and How to Deal: Nurse Jillian is Back!

In this episode, Jillian is here again to talk about a topic she and Adrianne know all too well...feeling like nothing is going as planned. You’re derailed. The train is off the freaking rails! But don’t despair, there are things that can be done to make this period of time seem less daunting and insurmountable.

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Season 4, Back-to-School, NCLEX, Nurse Interview Adrianne Behning Season 4, Back-to-School, NCLEX, Nurse Interview Adrianne Behning

Listener Request: How I Became a Nurse - Adrianne's Roller Coaster Story

There is more than one way to become a nurse. Adrianne’s journey was more of a saga. Recently, she got a message from a listener asking Adrianne to tell her story. The listener wanted to know things like how old Adrianne was when she finished, what degree path she chose, and what obstacles she faced along the way.

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Back-to-School, Season 4 Adrianne Behning Back-to-School, Season 4 Adrianne Behning

The Nursing School Roller Coaster with Jillian: Pt. 1

Welcome to Season 4 of Nursing Uncensored! In this episode, Adrianne embarks upon a conversation with pal and co-worker, Jillian. Jillian has just graduated from Nursing School and is awaiting boards at the time of this recording. She’s got a lot of great stuff to say which is why this talk at NU Headquarters was so dang long.

The conversation winds around and through topics such as

-finding out “who you will be” after nursing school
- podcasts and other resources for learning
-anxiety from nursing school skills test outs
-and more!

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Season 3, Back-to-School, Top 10, ProTips Adrianne Behning Season 3, Back-to-School, Top 10, ProTips Adrianne Behning

Top 10 School Supplies for Nursing Students and How to Use Them

It's official! Even though it's still summer, there are school supplies popping up in all the stores. Adrianne's college town is seeing a new influx of students who are about to start prepping for the coming semester. So that means it's time to shop for school supplies. Adrianne's not even in school anymore, yet she still wants to hit the sales.

By the time you get to college, you probably know what supplies you want and need, but let's challenge you to think outside the box.  Here are Adrianne's Top 10 Nursing School Supplies...

...and How to Use Them.

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Season 3, ProTips, Back-to-School, Top 10 Adrianne Behning Season 3, ProTips, Back-to-School, Top 10 Adrianne Behning

Top 10 Prep Tips for New Nursing Students

If you're an incoming nursing student, you already know the benefits of working ahead. In this episode,  Adrianne presents some things you should think about while sitting by the pool or hiding in the air conditioning between now and the end of August. (These tips wouldn’t hurt you returning students either!)

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Season 3, Bullying, Nurse Interview, Self-Care Adrianne Behning Season 3, Bullying, Nurse Interview, Self-Care Adrianne Behning

Preventing Suicide Among Nurses with Molly Hillig Rodriguez

This week we are joined by Molly Hillig Rodriguez, RN, BSN, MPH, CEO of Empower Yourself Coaching. She reached out to Adrianne to discuss the very sensitive, yet important topic of suicide among nurses.

Nurses are four times more likely to commit suicide than individuals not working in healthcare (Yazdi, 2017). The combination of physical, emotional, mental and financial stressors is a real threat to the well-being of our front line healthcare providers. We are opening up the discussion.

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Season 3, Allied Health, Self-Care Adrianne Behning Season 3, Allied Health, Self-Care Adrianne Behning

Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation Grand Challenge with Jaime Dawson MPH

Happy National Nurses Week to everyone in the Nursing Uncensored universe!

Adrianne is excited to welcome Jaime Dawson, MPH, the Director of Program Operations for the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation™ Grand Challenge and Innovation at the American Nurses Association.

Jaime and Adrianne discuss the health status of nurses in the United States, the mission and functions of the ANA, and they highlight resources and ways to get involved with the HNHN™ Grand Challenge. Please keep reading for helpful links and information.

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