I Became a Nurse By Accident | Adrianne on the Gritty Nurse Podcast (Pt 1/2)

Adrianne is lucky to have made friends from podcasting, many of whom she’s never met. This is true of Canadian nurses and activists Amie Varley and Sara Fung, creators of The Gritty Nurse Podcast. She spent an evening on a very long call with them and it resulted in two very good episodes of the Gritty Nurse Podcast. This is the first one.

Check out the unofficial part 2 of this discussion:

You often hear that nursing is a calling. A gift that is bestowed upon those who "answer the call". Well, that isn't often the case! People who enter the profession of nursing may come from different walks of life and varied backgrounds. Some stumble into nursing, while others always "knew" they wanted to be a nurse. Either way- the end result is the same...a passion for advocacy of those who are most vulnerable and learning to care for others using nursing science. We sit down and speak with Adrianne Behning, a nurse and fellow podcaster about her journey into nursing and her awesome podcast "Nursing Uncensored".



The Contribution of Podcasts to Nursing Education | @ Nurses PodCon | Nashville, TN


Hands Off My Uterus - The Real Meaning Behind My Body, My Choice! | Adrianne on the Gritty Nurse Podcast (Pt 2 of 2)