The Contribution of Podcasts to Nursing Education | @ Nurses PodCon | Nashville, TN

In November 2021, Adrianne joined a group of other nurse podcasters in Nashville, Tennessee for the first Nurses PodCon and all-day event of live nursing podcast episodes, CEUs and Q and As. Adrianne’s episode is archived on the show’s Patreon page, The Break Room.

Check out Adrianne’s full PodCon talk in the Nursing Uncensored Break Room.

If you join the Break Room (five bucks a month, folks), this episode is there. It’s me, in all my glory, at a folding table trying to do my talk from memory because I left my finalized notes in my home state and only had the folded-up half-finished draft that you see in the thumbnail. I also left half my clothes lying on my bed. So considering I was the hottest of hot messes on that trip, I think this talk went pretty well.

This is what I wrote about the experience back then:

I am so excited I was included in the first Nurses PodCon in Nashville, TN this year. I got to meet up with some wonderful, dedicated nurse podcasters from different parts of the US for some marathon episode recording (of which this is one), shenanigans on the streets of Music City, and the early stages of planning the next event (Coming September 2022!).

The video in this post was my contribution to the event. I admit, I was unprepared having worked all week and with an arm injury on top of it. But I pulled of this "talk" on why I love podcasts, why podcasts should be part of all learning- and especially that of nurses.”

If you want to see this delightfully cringe, yet not totally awful talk, jet to the Patreon now.


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