Collabs, friends and features
I Became a Nurse By Accident | Adrianne on the Gritty Nurse Podcast (Pt 1/2)
Adrianne is a guest for this first part of 2 (released as separate episodes) with the Gritty Nurses Amie Varley and Sara Fung. Adrianne tells them the very interesting, complicated story of how she became a nurse.
Hands Off My Uterus - The Real Meaning Behind My Body, My Choice! | Adrianne on the Gritty Nurse Podcast (Pt 2 of 2)
Adrianne loves talking with Amie and Sara of The Gritty Nurse Podcast. In this one, Adrianne lays her real origins in healthcare on the table. Too much is at stake to be silent when it comes to reproductive rights. Thanks to the Gritty Nurses for being such fantastic hosts, as always.
Adrianne on The Neurodivergent Nurse | Tips for Nurses with ADHD
In this episode, the two nurses discuss how nursing can be the perfect job for someone with ADHD, but also can be very difficult at times for the same reason. We are forgetful, we tend to lose everything, we are disorganized, and many more which often create complications as bedside nurses. Adrianne brings her best tips and tricks for being a more organized neurodivergent bedside nurse.
Nurses’ Roundtable Episode 1: COVID Talk | Nurse Podcasters’ Collective
2020 is the Year of the Nurse, and what a year it’s been! To wrap up this year with a bang, 5 of your favorite nurse podcasters decided to get together and have a real, uncensored, passionate discussion about COVID, life, the future, and the forthcoming vaccine.
Talking Palliative Care on Bereaved But Still Me Podcast
The podcast Bereaved But Still Me is the new incarnation of the podcast Heart to Heart with Michael, a podcast pertaining to the grief felt after loss. Michael invited me on to talk about my experiences as a palliative care nurse, and this is the product of that conversation.
11 Writing Tools to Amp Your Blogging | Adrianne on The Savvy Scribe Podcast
As a massive fan of the side-hustle, Adrianne was excited to break away from nursing topics to discuss writing. She specifically talks about her 11 favorite phone apps she uses to develop a blog post from start to finish. Some of these apps may be basic or no-brainers, but the finesse lies in how you use them. Listen in to find out what apps you need on your phone to help elevate your writing.
Adrianne Returns to Good Nurse, Bad Nurse
Adrianne was happy to be a return guest on the popular true-crime podcast, Good Nurse Bad Nurse.
Adrianne on First Do No Harm podcast
Adrianne had the tremendous pleasure of being a guest on an episode of First Do No Harm Podcast with Jami Fregeau.
Nurse Hits Back: Adrianne on the Nursing News with Q the Nurse
Adrianne had the pleasure of being invited back to Q the Nurse’s channel, this time for Nursing News. In this excerpt, they talk about two hospital staff who physically retaliate against two different patients who assaulted them.
Passy-Muir featured Nursing Uncensored
Nursing Uncensored is proud to be featured in promotional material for Passy-Muir, the company that improves the lives of tracheostomized patients every day.
Adrianne's Interview on Everyday Heroes
Adrianne had the pleasure of being on the Everyday Hero podcast with Q the Nurse in September 2019. They had a long chat, many laughs, and covered some hot-button issues. LIsten to the full interview below or several clips as you scroll further down.
Thanks again to Q for being such a great host.
Adrianne on Good Nurse, Bad Nurse
Adrianne was invited to be on the popular medical true crime show, Good Nurse, Bad Nurse. Check it out!