Hands Off My Uterus - The Real Meaning Behind My Body, My Choice! | Adrianne on the Gritty Nurse Podcast (Pt 2 of 2)
Written By Adrianne Behning
Adrianne loves talking with Amie and Sara of The Gritty Nurse Podcast. In this one, Adrianne lays her real origins in healthcare on the table. Too much is at stake to be silent when it comes to reproductive rights. Thanks to the Gritty Nurses for being such fantastic hosts, as always.
On the Gritty Nurses site they summarize the conversation perfectly:
“Why have we have gone back in time on women’s rights and women’s health? What does “my body, my choice” mean? In this part 2 episode with Adrianne Behning from “Nursing Uncensored”, we discuss Adrianne’s experiences working in an abortion clinic in the states. We also discuss the ideas surrounding “my body, my choice” and the new abortion laws in Texas.”

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