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All posts are written by Adrianne unless otherwise credited

10 Tips for Nurses with Attention Deficit Disorder | Collab with Jami of the Neurodivergent Nurse podcast

Welcome to this collaboration blog between Nursing Uncensored and Jami from the popular nursing podcast First Do No Harm. Adrianne joins Jami on her new podcast The Neurodivergent Nurse to share her ADD symptoms and how she deals with them on shift. Product and affiliate links are provided.

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Blog, Self-care Adrianne Behning Blog, Self-care Adrianne Behning

When I Get Ready for Work...

It took me a long time to design my perfect get-ready-routine, but I’ve learned through trial and error what makes me feel good and what doesn’t. I encourage and of you newbies, or any healthcare worker to pull any steps I’ve laid out that may smooth out those pre-work hours. As your shifts roll on, pay attention to what things have the most lasting positive effect on your work and dump anything that doesn’t.

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