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All posts are written by Adrianne unless otherwise credited

Back-to-School, Blog, Guest Blog, Nurse Hacks, ProTips Adrianne Behning Back-to-School, Blog, Guest Blog, Nurse Hacks, ProTips Adrianne Behning

Science-backed Study Tips for Nurses : A Guest Blog from Pocket Prep

Saying nurses are busy is like saying grass is green. Adding in the need to study for an exam or certification is just one more thing to deal with - studying is basically a part-time job when you’re a nursing student. Here’s the good thing - there are a few tried and true study methods that science has given the thumbs up.

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Back-to-School Adrianne Behning Back-to-School Adrianne Behning

Listener mail: Welcoming New Students to Your Study Group: A Dilemma

Adrianne answers the questions of a listener who is nervous about taking on another student in their three-person study group. Keeping in mind worries of emotional blowouts and the detriment of all four students, Adrianne musters her most responsible, objective voice to help talk this listener through a very common nursing school dilemma.

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Blog Adrianne Behning Blog Adrianne Behning

When I Get Home From Work...

While I love spontaneity as much as the next person, I am very much a creature of habit. This is especially true during the hours before I show up for a 12-hour shift and the hours after. Here’s a step-by-step rundown of what I do before each shift.

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Blog, Favorites Adrianne Behning Blog, Favorites Adrianne Behning

iOS Apps for All College Students

 I'm a bit of an app hoarder, yet I only keep those that are actually helpful or entertaining in my day-day-to-day life. Needless to say, that's still a lot of apps. These are the 20 iOS apps that I find the most helpful and recommend for any college student, nursing or otherwise.

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Blog, Favorites, Technology Adrianne Behning Blog, Favorites, Technology Adrianne Behning

My 20 Favorite Healthcare Podcasts (2017)

Anyone who knows me, knows I am a podcast hoarder. I am constantly listening to them, subscribing to new ones and unsubscribing from the ones that just didn't grab me. Or maybe I just fell out of love with them. I have podcasts for different moods and circumstances. And, yes, they're all sorted in my phone by category. Today my focus will be on those related to medicine, healthcare, nursing, and the allied health professions.

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