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Welcome to the Blog.
All posts are written by Adrianne unless otherwise credited
10 Things I Do to Help the Oncoming Nurse: Night Shift Edition
Like many nurses, I believe in creating good work karma...that is, we have a concept of what goes around comes around. I find it best to try to leave a trail of good whenever possible, especially for the nurse that’s going to take over for you when you leave. Here are 10 things to do to help the oncoming day shift nurse.
Nurse's Fav Items Feb 2020
Hey guys! I have another list of random stuff that makes me happy to share with you. These 10 things have played big parts in my day-to-day life over the last 29 days.
The Sweaty Nurse's Remedy List: Part 2
Here in the United States, we’re experiencing the “Dog Days of Summer”. As the heat and humidity persist, many of us have no tolerance for poly-blend scrubs and running our butts off for half the day. Sadly, quitting a job from May to October just isn’t realistic for most of us. That in mind, let’s talk about some more ways all you fellow sweaty nurses can make it through these final hot weeks of the year.
Adrianne's Top 20 Gifts for Nurses from Amazon
Well, folks, Christmas is just around the corner but it’s not too late to buy your favorite nurse an interesting, useful, or fun gift. Today I’m going to let you in on my Top 20 Favorite Gifts for Nurses from Amazon.
Must-have iOS Apps for Nurses & Nursing Students: Pt. 3
Now that Adrianne has helped you fill up all that extra memory on your iPhone with the previous 18 apps, she's got 9 more for you! In part three, she shares the last nursing-related apps in her folder. But never fear, this app-queen will probably find and share more with you as the semester rolls on.
5 Nurse's Pet Peeves
Pet Peeves. We all have them. They're things that happen on long hospital shift that just dance on your last nerve. Venting in a safe space (without violating HIPAA) is therapeutic for many of us and some peoples' pet peeves are hilarious.
What's in my nursing bag (2017)?
If the internet has taught me anything, it's that people like being voyeurs (in this case, I mean that very innocently). So I'm gonna show you what's in my nursing bag that I carry to and from work.
Therapeutic Journaling with Minimal Commitment
A Sentence Journal is a no muss, no fuss system. Learn more about it here.