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Welcome to the Blog.
All posts are written by Adrianne unless otherwise credited
Must-have iOS Apps for Nurses & Nursing Students: Pt. 3
Now that Adrianne has helped you fill up all that extra memory on your iPhone with the previous 18 apps, she's got 9 more for you! In part three, she shares the last nursing-related apps in her folder. But never fear, this app-queen will probably find and share more with you as the semester rolls on.
Must-have iOS Apps for Nurses & Nursing Students: Pt. 2
She's baaaack! Adrianne is here with 9 more iOS apps that she loves and thinks you will, too! In the second installment of this three-part series, she breaks down some textbook companion apps, a few others that have served her well and a fun one at the end.
Must-have iOS Apps for Nurses & Nursing Students
This episode is the first in a three-part series of Adrianne's favorite nursing-related iOS apps. Here she breaks down the first 9, in no particular order (actually just the order they happen to be in on her phone). She'll outline the perks, general cost and try to convince you that you need them, too.
My 20 Favorite Healthcare Podcasts (2017)
Anyone who knows me, knows I am a podcast hoarder. I am constantly listening to them, subscribing to new ones and unsubscribing from the ones that just didn't grab me. Or maybe I just fell out of love with them. I have podcasts for different moods and circumstances. And, yes, they're all sorted in my phone by category. Today my focus will be on those related to medicine, healthcare, nursing, and the allied health professions.
So, Your Nurse Declined Your Friend Request: 4 Reasons Why
Well, guys, it happened.
I got my first Facebook friend request from a patient.