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- Dorothy the Medical Examiner Investigator 4
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- FreshRN 1
This archive features audio-only episodes starting from 2017, including interviews with various healthcare professionals
such as floor nurses, flight nurses, nurse authors, nurse practitioners, entrepreneurs, physicians, and more.
With over 140 interviews available, you can explore a wide range of perspectives and insights from allied professionals.
keep scrolling for episodes or search the archive by tag above.
Operation Happy Nurse with Shannon McPeek, BSN, RN
In this episode, Adrianne and Shannon talk about the unspoken truth about mental health among nurses and how she and her team are creating resources and a community of support, inspiration, and health free for all nurses. Operation Happy Nurse lists their mission as “to help all nurses struggling with stress, anxiety and/or depression by offering a community focused on improving overall mental health and physical wellbeing.”
15 Bedside Hacks for CNAs and Nurses with Nurse Jillian
Join former CNAs-turned-nurses Adrianne and Jillian as they reveal their favorite bedside hacks and skills. This talk includes things like the "Pillow Taco", "Continence Cones", double-pistoning, triple-gloving, and other time-saving, back-sparing, genius hacks!
The Life of a Nurse Anesthetist with Jenny Finnell CRNA
In this episode, Adrianne dives into what it takes to be a CRNA with a nurse who's done it, Jenny Finnell. This episode covers all the down and dirty of becoming a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, you know, one of the angels who keep us asleep during surgery and other procedures.
The Virtual Nurse Hack 4 Health with Lynda Benton and Rebecca Love
Imagine groups of nurses and other healthcare professionals from across the country coming together to brainstorm solutions to current problems in healthcare. This episode dives into this exciting event, the Virtual Nurse Hack 4 Health.
Dark Humor in Nursing with Q the Nurse
In this episode, Q the Nurse (Swardiq Mayanja) is back to talk with Adrianne about dark humor in nursing - the good, the bad, and everything in between! Despite talking about all that spicy humor, they keep it pretty clean. Still NSFW.
Covid-19 & the Navajo Nation with Dr. Loreen Curley, DNP, ARNP (Audio only)
In this episode, Adrianne welcomes Nurse Practitioner Dr. Loreen Curley. She comes with an important message about the effect COVID is having upon her community, the Navajo Nation. They discuss the location and history of the Nation, why the Dine people have been so disproportionately affected by this pandemic, and what can be done to help.
Being a Nurse with Bipolar Disorder: Chatting with Nurse Chelsea
Today Adrianne talks with Chelsea, a woman generous enough to talk openly and candidly about her experiences as a nurse living with bipolar disorder. Chelsea talks about her nursing journey and gives her insights on the challenges she’s faced and ways to maximize health with this diagnosis.
Nurse Bullies and Professional Incivility: A Chat with Nurse Desiree
In this episode, Adrianne talks to fellow nurse Desiree about a topic that impacts all nurses at some point in their career - bullying and professional incivility. Adrianne and Desiree break down what it is in the adult world, what it costs us as a society and a profession, and what might be able to be done about it.
Student Nurse Precepting with Nurse Margo
Let’s welcome back Nurse Margo for another lively conversation. This time she and Adrianne talk about their new roles as clinical student nurse preceptors. This conversation covers what they’ve learned from their research and how they plan to guide their senior nursing students through their last clinical experience before graduation.
International Nursing with Qian (Chen)
Meet Qian (pronounced Chen), a brave young woman who solo traveled from China to Texas to Iowa and became a nurse in the process. Join Qian and Adrianne as they discuss her journey -past, present, and future
2020 Goal Setting with Q the Nurse
Q and Adrianne spend tthis episode talking about a hot topic this time of year. That’s right, they’re talking all about setting 2020 Goals. Adrianne and Q are entirely different people when it comes to setting and achieving goals. Can you guess which of them is a planner and which is not?
Pt 3: Conversation with a Flight Nurse - Robert P. Harris
In this final installment of Adrianne’s marathon chat with flight nurse and author, Robert P Harris, they are
on a roll. Despite heading into hour three, there is no shortage of things to talk about.
Pt. 2: Conversation with a Flight Nurse - Robert P. Harris
It’s time for part 2 of Adrianne’s conversation with Robert Harris, flight nurse and author of the book, The Flight Nurse Bible: A Field Guide to Awesomeness. This is hour two of their nearly four-hour conversation.
Pt. 1: Conversation with a Flight Nurse - Robert P. Harris
Welcome to part one of a three-part series with Robert P. Harris, flight nurse and author. This conversation was recorded as a video podcast that you can view in its entirety on the here. For your listening convenience, the entire conversation has been ripped and cut into tidy little packages for your ears. This is part one of three.
Fired from My First Nursing Job: A Chat with Nurse Renee
Renee is a substance abuse and psychiatric nurse who works for her state’s mental health department overseeing individuals in the community. She has an interesting story, as you can gather from the title of this episode.
Did Jillian Pass the NCLEX?
In this 4th installment with Jillian, we finally learn what her NCLEX results are and what's on the horizon for her post-nursing school. She and Adrianne talk about her NCLEX test day and how she prepared in those final hours before walking into the test center.
The New Way to Find Cool Nursing Jobs with Sarah Gray of Trusted Health
Meet Sarah Gray, BSN RN, a founding clinician at Trusted Health, the California-based team of nurses and innovators that are reimagining how healthcare staffing works. Sarah is here to talk about lots of things, including a new way to find opportunities in nursing.
Nursing Pet Peeves: Vol. 3 with Q the Nurse
In this episode, Adrianne is joined by Q the Nurse. They talk about Q's path into nursing, pet peeves, and the things that make it all worthwhile.
Listener Request: How I Became a Nurse - Adrianne's Roller Coaster Story
There is more than one way to become a nurse. Adrianne’s journey was more of a saga. Recently, she got a message from a listener asking Adrianne to tell her story. The listener wanted to know things like how old Adrianne was when she finished, what degree path she chose, and what obstacles she faced along the way.
Aromatherapy at the Bedside with Nurse Margo
This week Adrianne chats with Nurse Margo about aromatherapy use at the bedside, specifically in palliative and end-of-life care. They discuss how aromatherapy is used in the hospital setting, as well as how Margo approached this evidence-based project, and how she helped improve essential oil use on the unit. The moral of Margo’s story however, is that any nurse, regardless of years of experience, can impact bedside practice and contribute in meaningful ways.