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This archive features audio-only episodes starting from 2017, including interviews with various healthcare professionals

such as floor nurses, flight nurses, nurse authors, nurse practitioners, entrepreneurs, physicians, and more.

With over 140 interviews available, you can explore a wide range of perspectives and insights from allied professionals.

keep scrolling for episodes or search the archive by tag above.

Student Nurse Precepting: Pt. 2 with Nurse Margo

Margo is back with Adrianne for part 2 of their discussion on precepting senior nursing students. In this episode recorded in May 2020, they talk about starting the new semester with new students when COVID hit the United States hard. They talk about their experiences and the effects of COVID-19 upon nursing programs and students, and how clinical sites and preceptors have adapted to the challenge.

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Feeling Derailed and How to Deal: Nurse Jillian is Back!

In this episode, Jillian is here again to talk about a topic she and Adrianne know all too well...feeling like nothing is going as planned. You’re derailed. The train is off the freaking rails! But don’t despair, there are things that can be done to make this period of time seem less daunting and insurmountable.

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Season 3, Bullying, Nurse Interview, Self-Care Adrianne Behning Season 3, Bullying, Nurse Interview, Self-Care Adrianne Behning

Preventing Suicide Among Nurses with Molly Hillig Rodriguez

This week we are joined by Molly Hillig Rodriguez, RN, BSN, MPH, CEO of Empower Yourself Coaching. She reached out to Adrianne to discuss the very sensitive, yet important topic of suicide among nurses.

Nurses are four times more likely to commit suicide than individuals not working in healthcare (Yazdi, 2017). The combination of physical, emotional, mental and financial stressors is a real threat to the well-being of our front line healthcare providers. We are opening up the discussion.

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Ashley Hay: Musings on Adventure, Self-Confidence and Fuzzy Slippers

In episode 18, Adrianne is joined by nurse and writer, Ashley Hay. In this conversation, they explore the adventurous nature of nursing, the delicate sci-fi ballet of proton therapy, beginning and maintaining a writing career, and keeping the focus on self-care while caring for everyone else. Most shocking, Adrianne manages to go an entire hour without cursing. It's an early holiday miracle!

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Season 1, Back-to-School, NCLEX Adrianne Behning Season 1, Back-to-School, NCLEX Adrianne Behning

Confessions of a Proto Nurse: Pt. 1

Adrianne welcomes an old friend and future nursing student, Allison. They talked for 2 1/2 hours about so. many. things. This is the first half of that conversation. The topics range from the struggle of getting into nursing school, nurses running for office in 2018, power dynamics in the workplace and admirable qualities often found in nurses.

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Season 1, Nurse Interview, Humor Adrianne Behning Season 1, Nurse Interview, Humor Adrianne Behning

Things We Love About Nursing: Vol. 1

Adrianne wakes Andrew up from deep sleep to make a list of things we love about our profession...you know, normal stuff.

We bet you won't guess some of the things on our list. No, this time we don't include spontaneous vacation time or patients that can clean their own behinds, but we think our selections rank at the top. This is just the first part of many as we attempt to balance out all the complaining we did in our 'Pet Peeves' episodes.

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