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- ACLS 1
- ADN 1
- ANA 1
- ARNP 1
- Alice Benjamin 1
- Allison 3
- American Nurses Association 1
- Amie Varley 1
- Amy Varley 1
- Andrew 13
- Anna 2
- Army Corpsman 1
- Ashley Hay 1
- BIPOC nurse 1
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- Black Lives Matter 2
- Black nurses 2
- Black patients 1
- Brad 1
- Brad McLaughlin 4
- CEUs 1
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- CNA 2
- COVID-19 10
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- CVICU Nurse 1
- Cannabis 1
- Cannabis Nursing 1
- Cedar Rapids Derecho 1
- Chicago 1
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- Compassionate care 1
- Courtney Shihabuddin 1
- DNP 2
- Dan DiMonte 5
- David Metzger 1
- Deanna Mackey 1
- Department of Public Health 1
- Dine 1
- Donna Cardillo 1
- Dorothy 1
- Dorothy the Medical Examiner Investigator 4
- ER nurse 1
- Elevated Healing 1
- Emergency nursing 1
- Emily Mazurak 1
- Empower Yourself Coaching 1
- Fill Up Your Cup 1
- FreshRN 1
This archive features audio-only episodes starting from 2017, including interviews with various healthcare professionals
such as floor nurses, flight nurses, nurse authors, nurse practitioners, entrepreneurs, physicians, and more.
With over 140 interviews available, you can explore a wide range of perspectives and insights from allied professionals.
keep scrolling for episodes or search the archive by tag above.
Down & Dirty with a CVICU Nurse: Talk with Blake
In this episode, Adrianne welcomes CVICU nurse Blake (no, not Blake Lynch), who is both knowledgeable and totally NSFW in all the best ways. In addition to some off-color jokes that render Adrianne speechless, they talk about tons of stuff both in and out of the ICU. This conversation goes from heavy to light many times, so be prepared for a rollercoaster of emotions.
Student Nurse Precepting: Pt. 2 with Nurse Margo
Margo is back with Adrianne for part 2 of their discussion on precepting senior nursing students. In this episode recorded in May 2020, they talk about starting the new semester with new students when COVID hit the United States hard. They talk about their experiences and the effects of COVID-19 upon nursing programs and students, and how clinical sites and preceptors have adapted to the challenge.
Feeling Derailed and How to Deal: Nurse Jillian is Back!
In this episode, Jillian is here again to talk about a topic she and Adrianne know all too well...feeling like nothing is going as planned. You’re derailed. The train is off the freaking rails! But don’t despair, there are things that can be done to make this period of time seem less daunting and insurmountable.
Online Nursing School: The Pandemic Edition with Jillian
In this episode, Adrianne and Jillian throw down their best tips, tricks, and motivational advice for those of you venturing into online classes this semester. COVID-19 isn't fading away any time soon, so we might as well arm ourselves for success despite it.
Surviving Online Classes - The Pandemic Edition (Gen Ed Tips)
Adrianne sends this episode out to all of the nursing students who are suddenly finding themselves thrust into online classes as a result of the global Covid-19 pandemic. She runs through her top tips and routines for doing well with 100% online instruction.
The Days Before NCLEX with Jillian
There are few times in life that are as nerve-wracking as taking a professional licensing exam, like the NCLEX. We catch up with our pal Jillian again at just such a moment. In this episode, Jillian is less than 2 days from her exam and it’s time to talk all things NCLEX. From pep talks to reality checks, it’s all here.
The Nursing School Roller Coaster with Jillian: Pt. 2
The roller coaster continues this week with Adrianne and Jillian. We’ve got another hour of loops, corkscrews, turns and mega-dives - all conversational, of course. They talk about a million more things related to nursing and school.
Listener Request: How I Became a Nurse - Adrianne's Roller Coaster Story
There is more than one way to become a nurse. Adrianne’s journey was more of a saga. Recently, she got a message from a listener asking Adrianne to tell her story. The listener wanted to know things like how old Adrianne was when she finished, what degree path she chose, and what obstacles she faced along the way.
The Nursing School Roller Coaster with Jillian: Pt. 1
Welcome to Season 4 of Nursing Uncensored! In this episode, Adrianne embarks upon a conversation with pal and co-worker, Jillian. Jillian has just graduated from Nursing School and is awaiting boards at the time of this recording. She’s got a lot of great stuff to say which is why this talk at NU Headquarters was so dang long.
The conversation winds around and through topics such as
-finding out “who you will be” after nursing school
- podcasts and other resources for learning
-anxiety from nursing school skills test outs
-and more!
Top 10 School Supplies for Nursing Students and How to Use Them
It's official! Even though it's still summer, there are school supplies popping up in all the stores. Adrianne's college town is seeing a new influx of students who are about to start prepping for the coming semester. So that means it's time to shop for school supplies. Adrianne's not even in school anymore, yet she still wants to hit the sales.
By the time you get to college, you probably know what supplies you want and need, but let's challenge you to think outside the box. Here are Adrianne's Top 10 Nursing School Supplies...
...and How to Use Them.
Top 10 Prep Tips for New Nursing Students
If you're an incoming nursing student, you already know the benefits of working ahead. In this episode, Adrianne presents some things you should think about while sitting by the pool or hiding in the air conditioning between now and the end of August. (These tips wouldn’t hurt you returning students either!)
Food Prep for Nurses ft. Brad McLaughlin, BSN RN
Brad is back and we're talking about preparing food for a three-day-stretch of 12-hour shifts. We cover tips and tricks for food prep and preservation, how nurses show love with potlucks, and Brad's food-related side gig with Pampered Chef.
A Conversation with Tina of Good Nurse Bad Nurse
In this episode. you’ll hear my half of the cross-over collab I did with Tina of the medical true crime podcast Good Nurse Bad Nurse.
Dan DiMonte: The Kitchen Table Sessions @ NUHQ: Pt 2
In this episode, we get back to my conversation with Dan DiMonte, travel-nurse-turned-per-diem-nurse, about loads of things. We topic-hop and touch on Dan's desire for roots, staffing ratios and union issues, premium healthcare, and poisoning the well during patient report.
Must-have iOS Apps for Nurses & Nursing Students: Pt 2
In this episode, Adrianne covers
1. Mosby's Pocket Guide to Nursing Skills & Procedures
2. Clinical Companion to Medical-Surgical Nursing
3. Manual of Nursing Diagnosis
4. Medscape
5. Eponyms
6. Lab Values ++
7. MDCalc
8. FastFacts
9. Figure1
Must-have iOS Apps for Nurses & Nursing Students: Pt 1
In this episode, Adrianne talks about:
1.Passy-Muir TrachTools
2. O2 Calculator
3. ScrubCheats
4. NRSNG Clinical Library
5. IBM Micromedex Drug Info
6. IBM Micromedex IV Drug Compatibility
7. IVCalc
8. Omnimedex
9. Quizlet
Dan DiMonte Returns Pt 1: Pondering Medical TV Shows, Indwelling Catheter Alternatives, and Musical Interludes
Travel nurse Dan DiMonte returns for the longest recording in MRC history (don't worry, we've distilled it down to the best parts). Adrianne and Dan sit down for a morning chat and chai which turned into afternoon tea.
Hospitality for Traveling Nurses
Adrianne has some thoughts on how a staff nurse should treat a float or a traveling nurse - very specific thoughts. She shares some opinions of how we as staff nurses should be treating our travelers and floating nurses from the moment they arrive on the unit.
Keeping Your Cool Walking into a Sh!tshow Shift
You know the ones we mean, where you're behind before you clock in, the call lights are non-stop and you may never get to pee again.
What are your secrets? Adrianne wants to hear your tips for keeping Zen when you know the 12-hours ahead of you are going to test your patience, endurance, and sanity.