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- ACLS 1
- ADN 1
- ANA 1
- ARNP 1
- Alice Benjamin 1
- Allison 3
- American Nurses Association 1
- Amie Varley 1
- Amy Varley 1
- Andrew 13
- Anna 2
- Army Corpsman 1
- Ashley Hay 1
- BIPOC nurse 1
- BLM 1
- Black Lives Matter 2
- Black nurses 2
- Black patients 1
- Brad 1
- Brad McLaughlin 4
- CEUs 1
- CFA 1
- CNA 2
- COVID-19 10
- CRNA 1
- CVICU Nurse 1
- Cannabis 1
- Cannabis Nursing 1
- Cedar Rapids Derecho 1
- Chicago 1
- China 1
- Compassionate care 1
- Courtney Shihabuddin 1
- DNP 2
- Dan DiMonte 5
- David Metzger 1
- Deanna Mackey 1
- Department of Public Health 1
- Dine 1
- Donna Cardillo 1
- Dorothy 1
- Dorothy the Medical Examiner Investigator 4
- ER nurse 1
- Elevated Healing 1
- Emergency nursing 1
- Emily Mazurak 1
- Empower Yourself Coaching 1
- Fill Up Your Cup 1
- FreshRN 1
This archive features audio-only episodes starting from 2017, including interviews with various healthcare professionals
such as floor nurses, flight nurses, nurse authors, nurse practitioners, entrepreneurs, physicians, and more.
With over 140 interviews available, you can explore a wide range of perspectives and insights from allied professionals.
keep scrolling for episodes or search the archive by tag above.
Providing Compassionate Care: Chatting with Marcus Engel
In this episode, Adrianne has a lovely chat with author, public speaker, and founder of the not-for-profit I'm Here Movement, Marcus Engel. Marcus shares his own unique healthcare perspective and talks about how he harnessed his traumatic experiences to improve care for other patients.
The Poopisode ft. Craig of Keep It Real RN
By poopular demand, Adrianne and Craig bring you the long-awaited episode on an inevitability of bedside nursing: cleaning up poop.
This discussion is not for the weak-stomached, but if you appreciate some good poop puns, turd tales and fecal follies you're in for a treat.
A Travel Nurse & Her Adventure Muppet: Part 1
This week you're dropping in on the conversation Adrianne had with her old pal Lindsay, a traveling nurse and cool human that she can literally talk to for hours and hours on end. They cover many topics in this episode including how Lindsay caught the travel bug, weighing the pros and cons of different contracts and locations, her adventure dog, licensing for travelers, and getting tricked into wiping butts of patients who really can do it themselves.
Dan DiMonte Returns Pt 2: Perks of Nurse Schedules, Oversaturation of Travelers and Special Connections with Patients.
After editing their 3+ hour cross-country conversation, we've got 45 more delightful minutes with MRC friend and travel nurse, Dan DiMonte
Designer Scrubs, Favorite tools, Poop, Drug Diversion, and more...
Andrew is back from his internet hiatus to join Adrianne for a discussion that is as all over the place as a confused patient in a low bed. They topic hop from designer scrubs and the social and professional implications, their favorite tools on the unit, plans for a poop-tastic future episode, and the ever-serious topic of drug diversion by nurses.
Allison's Vertigo and Getting into Nursing School
Join Adrianne as she meets up again with her friend, Allison, about getting accepted into her desired program. The whole time, Allison's room is spinning, so many thanks to her for putting up with this podcast nonsense again.
Hospitality for Traveling Nurses
Adrianne has some thoughts on how a staff nurse should treat a float or a traveling nurse - very specific thoughts. She shares some opinions of how we as staff nurses should be treating our travelers and floating nurses from the moment they arrive on the unit.
Keeping Your Cool Walking into a Sh!tshow Shift
You know the ones we mean, where you're behind before you clock in, the call lights are non-stop and you may never get to pee again.
What are your secrets? Adrianne wants to hear your tips for keeping Zen when you know the 12-hours ahead of you are going to test your patience, endurance, and sanity.
A Peek at Quality Improvement
This week, MRC is keeping it short and simple since Adrianne is flying solo on the mic. She's going to do her best to give you a peek into the Quality Improvement Project she's just started working on, and attempt to give you some helpful hints she's only recently figured out.
Chatting with an ICU/SWOT nurse, Anna: Part 1 of 2
Adrianne has a late-night chat with Anna, an ICU and SWOT (Service Without Territory) nurse. In Part 1, they talk about finding the courage to speak up on your patient's behalf, SBAR and anxiety talking to docs, being a pregnant nurse, and nurse-led rounds in the surgical ICU.
Nurses, Tattoos, Smoking & IV Fluid Shortage
Adrianne and Andrew are talking tattoos, marijuana, IV fluid shortages and body waxing in the first episode of 2018! Season 2 is guaranteed to be interesting and hilarious as MRC digs deeper into the minds of nurses. Join your favorite long-winded nurses for more stories, anecdotes and food for thought
Ashley Hay: Musings on Adventure, Self-Confidence and Fuzzy Slippers
In episode 18, Adrianne is joined by nurse and writer, Ashley Hay. In this conversation, they explore the adventurous nature of nursing, the delicate sci-fi ballet of proton therapy, beginning and maintaining a writing career, and keeping the focus on self-care while caring for everyone else. Most shocking, Adrianne manages to go an entire hour without cursing. It's an early holiday miracle!
What's in this Nurse's Pockets: NU Quickie #4
Adrianne just got off work (for real) and she's emptying all 7 of her scrub pockets - and narrating it just for you. This wasn't the craziest of shifts, but she still has a fair amount of cargo.
Confessions of a Proto Nurse: Pt. 2
Adrianne and Allison reconvene for part 2 of this marathon conversation that spans a wider-than-usual range of loosely related topics like:
*balancing school, work, and personal life
*a couple of poor academic choices r/t exhaustion
*hierarchies and power dynamics in healthcare
*how not to flunk out of nursing school
*the best app you'll ever download
*how Allison knew she was old
Listen in as we get really opinionated and passionate about basically everything.
Sexy Nurse Costumes, Sneeze Etiquette and Holidays in the Hospital
In this episode, Adrianne and Andrew glide through an amalgamation of topics including but not limited to:
*The inevitable waxing of Andrew's body at the hands of his new Facebook group, Traveler Talk
*The enormous commitment of content creation
*Sexy nurse Halloween costumes
*Snot-spray and sneeze etiquette
*Holidays in the hospital
*MRC Gratitude Check
Nurses Do Potluck Right: NU Quickie #3:
If you've ever worked in healthcare, you may know that lots of us take pot-lucking very seriously - so seriously "pot-lucking" is now a verb. Brad and Adrianne explain the components of a good pot-luck during their commute from Adrianne's house to the hospital.
TravCon, Germs, and Tangents: Pt. 1
It wouldn't be an episode of Nursing Uncensored if we didn't do the jitterbug in and out of a ton of random, unrelated topics. Stick around for all of this epic convo - and don't worry - we edited out all Andrew's coughs and maybe a couple of cough-farts - you'll never know for sure.
Nurse's Top 10 Tips for Better Daytime Sleep: NU Quickie #2
Adrianne, nurse, and night-shifter for more than a decade, has just crawled into bed after a long shift...so this is real and unedited information in her most honest, exhausted state. She lists* 10 ProTips for getting better daytime sleep and elaborates on the interesting ones.
Back-to-School ProTips for Nursing Students
Brad and Adrianne are here to give you their favorite ProTips for starting the semester on the right foot in both real and virtual classrooms. They also throw in some NCLEX tips for all our aspiring RNs.