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This archive features audio-only episodes starting from 2017, including interviews with various healthcare professionals

such as floor nurses, flight nurses, nurse authors, nurse practitioners, entrepreneurs, physicians, and more.

With over 140 interviews available, you can explore a wide range of perspectives and insights from allied professionals.

keep scrolling for episodes or search the archive by tag above.

Season 2, Career, Nurse Interview Adrianne Behning Season 2, Career, Nurse Interview Adrianne Behning

A Travel Nurse & Her Adventure Muppet: Pt 2

This week we dive back into Adrianne’s marathon call with her good friend and travel nurse Lindsay Dingbaum. Since they can get their gab on like pros, they covered a LOT of information like...

-The multifaceted nature of a nurse's emotions
-Advice for new travelers
-Narcotics and end-of-life-care: a nurse's discomfort
-Dealing with undesirable assignments
-Getting used to a new place as a traveler
-Designer scrubs (yes, they go there again)

...and a million other little things on their minds. 

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Season 2, Allied Health, Career, Nurse Interview Adrianne Behning Season 2, Allied Health, Career, Nurse Interview Adrianne Behning

Talking with a Medical Examiner Investigator Pt. 2

I think part two of my talk with Dorothy is as profound as it is irreverent. Dorothy explains how people die as they lived and we ponder elements of 'a good death'. We absolutely must address the need for a morbid sense of humor in high-stress, high-trauma fields, as evidenced by almost every joke we crack. Then we dig deeper into her work as a medical examiner investigator and explore the classification system used to document death by the Medical Examiner.

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Season 2, Career, Nurse Interview Adrianne Behning Season 2, Career, Nurse Interview Adrianne Behning

Talking with a Medical Examiner Investigator Pt. 1

In this episode, Adrianne is joined by nurse and medical examiner investigator, Dorothy. She's lived a very interesting nursing life so far and has such great perspective on being an advocate for all patients. Dorothy is going to tell us all about her days in the Operating Room, home hospice and how she goes about investigating the deaths of people all over her county. NSFW but, boy, is this interesting. Pt 1 of 2.

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Season 2, Humor, Nurse Interview, ProTips, Self-Care Adrianne Behning Season 2, Humor, Nurse Interview, ProTips, Self-Care Adrianne Behning

Keeping Your Cool Walking into a Sh!tshow Shift

You know the ones we mean, where you're behind before you clock in, the call lights are non-stop and you may never get to pee again.

What are your secrets? Adrianne wants to hear your tips for keeping Zen when you know the 12-hours ahead of you are going to test your patience, endurance, and sanity.

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Season 1, Back-to-School, Career, NCLEX, Humor Adrianne Behning Season 1, Back-to-School, Career, NCLEX, Humor Adrianne Behning

Confessions of a Proto Nurse: Pt. 2

Adrianne and Allison reconvene for part 2 of this marathon conversation that spans a wider-than-usual range of loosely related topics like:
*balancing school, work, and personal life
*a couple of poor academic choices r/t exhaustion
*hierarchies and power dynamics in healthcare
*how not to flunk out of nursing school
*the best app you'll ever download
*how Allison knew she was old

Listen in as we get really opinionated and passionate about basically everything.

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Season 1, Nurse Interview, Humor Adrianne Behning Season 1, Nurse Interview, Humor Adrianne Behning

Things We Love About Nursing: Vol. 1

Adrianne wakes Andrew up from deep sleep to make a list of things we love about our profession...you know, normal stuff.

We bet you won't guess some of the things on our list. No, this time we don't include spontaneous vacation time or patients that can clean their own behinds, but we think our selections rank at the top. This is just the first part of many as we attempt to balance out all the complaining we did in our 'Pet Peeves' episodes.

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Season 1, Career, Humor, Nurse Interview, ProTips, Relationships Adrianne Behning Season 1, Career, Humor, Nurse Interview, ProTips, Relationships Adrianne Behning

Fan Mail Pt. 2: Nursing Forums, Getting "Unstuck" and Talking to Bosses

Weeee'reeee back with part 2, answering a list of listener questions, but for the second half, we'll be doing things more rapid-fire style. Well, rapid-fire for us, which still makes for a long episode.

We talk about how to get "unstuck" from a job, how to deal with bosses of all kinds, and much more.

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Season 1 Adrianne Behning Season 1 Adrianne Behning

TravCon, Germs, and Tangents: Pt. 1

It wouldn't be an episode of Nursing Uncensored if we didn't do the jitterbug in and out of a ton of random, unrelated topics. Stick around for all of this epic convo - and don't worry - we edited out all Andrew's coughs and maybe a couple of cough-farts - you'll never know for sure.

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Season 1, Career, Humor, Nurse Interview, Self-Care Adrianne Behning Season 1, Career, Humor, Nurse Interview, Self-Care Adrianne Behning

Night Shift Brain Fog

Andrew and Adrianne are both caught in The Fog as they record this episode about The Fog itself, series of intoxication-like symptoms that occur after working several nights in a row. They also go on a tangent about hourly rounding and bed alarms, and Andrew confesses his lack of trust in a certain group of people. Andrew and Adrianne are both caught in The Fog as they record this episode about The Fog itself, a series of intoxication-like symptoms that occur after working several nights in a row. They also go on a tangent about hourly rounding and bed alarms, and Andrew confesses his lack of trust in a certain group of people.

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