Nursing Uncensored

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2020 Goal Setting with Q the Nurse

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Q the Nurse returns in this episode to give an update on how his first months as a traveling nurse have gone. He describes some definitive ways to tell if traveling is not the gig for you, but mostly he just basks in how awesome a time he’s having and all the places he plans to go in the near future. 

Q and Adrianne spend the rest of their short time together talking about a hot topic this time of year. That’s right, they’re talking all about setting 2020 Goals. Though Adrianne and Q are entirely different people when it comes to setting and achieving goals, they agree on some things. Which one of them do you think is a planner and which of them flies by the seat of their pants? You gotta listen to find out.


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Recorded with Zoom and edited with Adobe Audition.


Copyright-free music included in this episode found in the YouTube Audio Library:

Generations Away - Unicorn Head

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