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All posts are written by Adrianne unless otherwise credited

Blog, Self-care Adrianne Behning Blog, Self-care Adrianne Behning

The Sweaty Nurse's Remedy List

Year round, I get so hot when I'm at work, I can't stand it. I'm always on the move, turning patients, running for bed alarms, lifting, bending....and sweating! Others have told me they have a similar problem and are tired of looking gross and smelling bad after only an hour on shift.

So I have a few tips for all of you sweaty nurses.

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Blog, Favorites Adrianne Behning Blog, Favorites Adrianne Behning

iOS Apps for All College Students

 I'm a bit of an app hoarder, yet I only keep those that are actually helpful or entertaining in my day-day-to-day life. Needless to say, that's still a lot of apps. These are the 20 iOS apps that I find the most helpful and recommend for any college student, nursing or otherwise.

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Blog Adrianne Behning Blog Adrianne Behning

Prep Tips: the Summer Before Nursing School

If you're an incoming nursing student, you probably already know the benefits of working ahead. Here are some things you should think about while sitting by the pool or hiding in the AC between now and August.

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Blog Adrianne Behning Blog Adrianne Behning

5 Nurse's Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves. We all have them. They're things that happen on  long hospital shift that just dance on your last nerve.  Venting in a safe space (without violating HIPAA) is therapeutic for many of us and some peoples' pet peeves are hilarious.

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