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Welcome to the Blog.
All posts are written by Adrianne unless otherwise credited
Adrianne's 2023 in Review: A Year of Change, Action, Pushing Through
Adrianne is bidding farewell to the last year by reflecting on the wild ride that was 2023. Check out this timeline to learn who she met up with, what life-altering changes occurred, and how she’s looking to the future.
Reflections on Angry Patients by an Angry Nurse
This is a reflection I wrote after a very challenging shift. I usually keep my chill at work pretty well. I’m known for my patience and calming effect on patients with psych or anxiety issues. So what you are about to read are my own thoughts after a shift where I didn’t handle myself so well. I hope this message helps some of you reading this feel less alone in your own frustrations and a little closer to being able to control them when it matters most.
I Don't Want Your Germs.
People are gross. You are gross. I am gross. People - all people - are gross.
This Blog Has 9 Lives
Well, what can I say except I can't always make up my mind. I started this blog as just that - a standalone blog - back in 2012. I had no focus, no nursing license, no podcast. But I felt the need to share my thoughts in short digestible pieces on the net. Night Nursing Nuances was born and still sorta exists.