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Welcome to the Blog.
All posts are written by Adrianne unless otherwise credited
The Unwritten Rules of Nurses' Station Etiquette: A Comprehensive Guide
Welcome to the nurses' station, the bustling hub of any hospital unit where nurses come together for shift change, to chart, take breaks, and catch up on the latest gossip. It’s also the place where a lot of noise, personalities, and chaos all come together in a very tight space. While the rules of nursing practice are well established, there are also some unwritten rules which govern the behavior of nurses in this space to preserve the delicate professional and social homeostasis. In this post, we'll explore the "unwritten rules" of nurses' station etiquette.
5 Nurse's Pet Peeves
Pet Peeves. We all have them. They're things that happen on long hospital shift that just dance on your last nerve. Venting in a safe space (without violating HIPAA) is therapeutic for many of us and some peoples' pet peeves are hilarious.