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- ACLS 1
- ADN 1
- ANA 1
- ARNP 1
- Alice Benjamin 1
- Allison 3
- American Nurses Association 1
- Amie Varley 1
- Amy Varley 1
- Andrew 13
- Anna 2
- Army Corpsman 1
- Ashley Hay 1
- BIPOC nurse 1
- BLM 1
- Black Lives Matter 2
- Black nurses 2
- Black patients 1
- Brad 1
- Brad McLaughlin 4
- CEUs 1
- CFA 1
- CNA 2
- COVID-19 10
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- CVICU Nurse 1
- Cannabis 1
- Cannabis Nursing 1
- Cedar Rapids Derecho 1
- Chicago 1
- China 1
- Compassionate care 1
- Courtney Shihabuddin 1
- DNP 2
- Dan DiMonte 5
- David Metzger 1
- Deanna Mackey 1
- Department of Public Health 1
- Dine 1
- Donna Cardillo 1
- Dorothy 1
- Dorothy the Medical Examiner Investigator 4
- ER nurse 1
- Elevated Healing 1
- Emergency nursing 1
- Emily Mazurak 1
- Empower Yourself Coaching 1
- Fill Up Your Cup 1
- FreshRN 1
This archive features audio-only episodes starting from 2017, including interviews with various healthcare professionals
such as floor nurses, flight nurses, nurse authors, nurse practitioners, entrepreneurs, physicians, and more.
With over 140 interviews available, you can explore a wide range of perspectives and insights from allied professionals.
keep scrolling for episodes or search the archive by tag above.
Ashley Hay: Musings on Adventure, Self-Confidence and Fuzzy Slippers
In episode 18, Adrianne is joined by nurse and writer, Ashley Hay. In this conversation, they explore the adventurous nature of nursing, the delicate sci-fi ballet of proton therapy, beginning and maintaining a writing career, and keeping the focus on self-care while caring for everyone else. Most shocking, Adrianne manages to go an entire hour without cursing. It's an early holiday miracle!
What's in this Nurse's Pockets: NU Quickie #4
Adrianne just got off work (for real) and she's emptying all 7 of her scrub pockets - and narrating it just for you. This wasn't the craziest of shifts, but she still has a fair amount of cargo.
Confessions of a Proto Nurse: Pt. 2
Adrianne and Allison reconvene for part 2 of this marathon conversation that spans a wider-than-usual range of loosely related topics like:
*balancing school, work, and personal life
*a couple of poor academic choices r/t exhaustion
*hierarchies and power dynamics in healthcare
*how not to flunk out of nursing school
*the best app you'll ever download
*how Allison knew she was old
Listen in as we get really opinionated and passionate about basically everything.
Confessions of a Proto Nurse: Pt. 1
Adrianne welcomes an old friend and future nursing student, Allison. They talked for 2 1/2 hours about so. many. things. This is the first half of that conversation. The topics range from the struggle of getting into nursing school, nurses running for office in 2018, power dynamics in the workplace and admirable qualities often found in nurses.
Things We Love About Nursing: Vol. 1
Adrianne wakes Andrew up from deep sleep to make a list of things we love about our profession...you know, normal stuff.
We bet you won't guess some of the things on our list. No, this time we don't include spontaneous vacation time or patients that can clean their own behinds, but we think our selections rank at the top. This is just the first part of many as we attempt to balance out all the complaining we did in our 'Pet Peeves' episodes.
Sexy Nurse Costumes, Sneeze Etiquette and Holidays in the Hospital
In this episode, Adrianne and Andrew glide through an amalgamation of topics including but not limited to:
*The inevitable waxing of Andrew's body at the hands of his new Facebook group, Traveler Talk
*The enormous commitment of content creation
*Sexy nurse Halloween costumes
*Snot-spray and sneeze etiquette
*Holidays in the hospital
*MRC Gratitude Check
Fan Mail Pt. 2: Nursing Forums, Getting "Unstuck" and Talking to Bosses
Weeee'reeee back with part 2, answering a list of listener questions, but for the second half, we'll be doing things more rapid-fire style. Well, rapid-fire for us, which still makes for a long episode.
We talk about how to get "unstuck" from a job, how to deal with bosses of all kinds, and much more.
Fan Mail Pt. 1: Confidence (or lack of), hospital beds, languages, and pulmonary toileting
Listen in as we talk about a million things like confidence (or lack of), hospital beds, languages, pulmonary toileting, and lots of stuff in between.
Nurses Do Potluck Right: NU Quickie #3:
If you've ever worked in healthcare, you may know that lots of us take pot-lucking very seriously - so seriously "pot-lucking" is now a verb. Brad and Adrianne explain the components of a good pot-luck during their commute from Adrianne's house to the hospital.
TravCon Pt. 2: Sick Nurses, Natural Talents and Knowing Boundaries
they left off, addressing the cliff-hanger from episode 10. They also talk about nurses who are ill, finding natural talents and knowing boundaries. Adrianne may or may not have almost been struck by a train at some point during this recording.
TravCon, Germs, and Tangents: Pt. 1
It wouldn't be an episode of Nursing Uncensored if we didn't do the jitterbug in and out of a ton of random, unrelated topics. Stick around for all of this epic convo - and don't worry - we edited out all Andrew's coughs and maybe a couple of cough-farts - you'll never know for sure.
Night Shift Brain Fog
Andrew and Adrianne are both caught in The Fog as they record this episode about The Fog itself, series of intoxication-like symptoms that occur after working several nights in a row. They also go on a tangent about hourly rounding and bed alarms, and Andrew confesses his lack of trust in a certain group of people. Andrew and Adrianne are both caught in The Fog as they record this episode about The Fog itself, a series of intoxication-like symptoms that occur after working several nights in a row. They also go on a tangent about hourly rounding and bed alarms, and Andrew confesses his lack of trust in a certain group of people.
Nursing, Music and Dan
In this episode, Adrianne chats with Dan DiMonte, who is both a nurse and a musician living in the temperate paradise of San Diego, CA. They delve into the ways music and nursing complement each other, how Dan almost lost his mind alone in the woods, the perils of dangerous hospitals, and the exciting details of Dan's upcoming Fall 2017 tour.
Nurse's Top 10 Tips for Better Daytime Sleep: NU Quickie #2
Adrianne, nurse, and night-shifter for more than a decade, has just crawled into bed after a long shift...so this is real and unedited information in her most honest, exhausted state. She lists* 10 ProTips for getting better daytime sleep and elaborates on the interesting ones.
Back-to-School ProTips for Nursing Students
Brad and Adrianne are here to give you their favorite ProTips for starting the semester on the right foot in both real and virtual classrooms. They also throw in some NCLEX tips for all our aspiring RNs.
Night Shift Breakfast: A Ritual
The Nursing Uncensored crew talks about what Nightshift Breakfast means to them and why it's such a right of passage for 3rd shifters. Adrianne explains to Andrew that "gravy was never sexy", there's talk of pop songs, snorting anti-lipemics (don't EVER do this), and then it all crashes to an end with a tale of Adrianne's first SICU float.
Nursing Pet Peeves Vol. 2
We present you with episode 05: Nursing Pet Peeves Volume 2. We suspect this might turn into a series because we're so damn good at coming up with new things to add to our list.
10 Tips for Successful Nursing Students: NU Quickie #1
Adrianne hopped on the mic in the middle of the night to bring you this Nursing Uncensored Quickie of her top 10 tips for making yourself a better nursing student. These aren't the only things that will keep you afloat as we head into another semester, but they are Adrianne's most helpful, off-the-beaten-path pointers.
Nursing Pet Peeves: Vol. 1
Debriefing. Venting. Complaining. Whatever you call it, it can be therapeutic when done right -without malice or destructiveness. When someone or something is driving a nurse crazy, just having a colleague listen to them freak out about it for a second can make it all feel better for awhile. That's just one way to deal with the mind-numbing stress of 12-hour shifts.
Nurses and Social Media Caveats
In this episode of Nursing Uncensored, Adrianne and Brad share their opinions on everything from handling online friend requests from patients to representing the profession honorably by setting personal boundaries on the web.
Additionally, Adrianne recognizes that she is an insignificant speck in the universe and Brad recounts some dumb moves he's seen nurses make on social media.