Nursing Uncensored

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Passy-Muir featured Nursing Uncensored

Back in August 2019, I got a follow-up email from the Marketing Director for Passy-Muir - yes that’s right, the company that makes speaking valves for patients with tracheostomy. They saw my post on Must-Have Nursing Apps which features the awesome Passy-Muir app. The app has everything from a small communication board to videos on what a tracheostomy is and how care is done. It’s really a stellar app.

They asked if they might feature my review on a flyer sent out with educational materials. Of course, I’m delighted to say that Nursing Uncensored is now officially quoted. Download the free app and take a look around. It’s loaded with great information whether you are a nursing student, nurse, or you simply love someone who has a tracheostomy.

Thanks to Passy-Muir for reaching out and for improving the lives of patients every day.