White Allyship in Action with Jamie Fregeau, BSN RN
In this episode, Adrianne welcomes returning guest Jamie Fregeau, creator and host of the nursing podcast First Do No Harm. Jamie and Adrianne recorded this conversation on Election Day 2020, marking the day with an important, yet uncomfortable topic. They're going to talk about the work to be continuously better allies to the Black community and all communities of color through words and actions.
They discuss topics like:
-Calling out disparities/bias and why this matters
-Why we, as white women, need to share this info among fellow white women
-Performative activism versus moving the dialogue forward
-We may f*ck up, but we don't give up
-How to educate people who don't want to do any “work”
-Saviorship versus allyship
-How Jamie learns from TikTok
-Voting locally
Systemic racism is a complex beast. Adrianne and Jamie are not experts offering solutions. They are individuals trying to keep progressive conversation in front of the eyes of their own demographic communities, and to lead by example as they learn.
Below you'll find links discussed in the episode. The authors, creators, and organizations mentioned are not affiliated with Nursing Uncensored and this episode is not sponsored.
Mentioned in the show:
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack By Peggy McIntosh
IG accounts Adrianne mentioned:
Connect with Jamie to see her content.