Nursing Uncensored

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Student Loan Repayment with Travis Hornsby, CFA

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This week Adrianne is talking money - specifically student loan repayment - a topic that has most of us fresh graduates totally stressed out. Since Adrianne is one of the stressed out masses, she’s having a conversation with expert and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Travis Hornsby, founder of

He and Adrianne discuss a number of topics including, but not limited to, Federal vs private loan repayment strategy, the public service loan forgiveness program (PSLF), and refinancing student loans. While this show primarily focuses on the lives of Registered Nurses, this financial information can be helpful to any health science graduates - including nurses, chiropractors, physicians, dentists, etc.

We talk about basic concepts as well as specific tools to help you on your journey to repayment. Below are some links to help you on your way.

If you visit Travis and his crew at you will also find free access to his Student Loan Calculator

Also here is more information on the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program:

If you like this episode, you’ll want to hear Adrianne and Travis’ post-COVID loan chat.


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Recorded with Zoom Web Conferencing
Edited with Adobe Audition


Copyright-free music included in this episode found in the YouTube Audio Library:

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