A Conversation with Tina of Good Nurse Bad Nurse
In this episode. you’ll hear my half of the cross-over collab I did with Tina of the medical true crime podcast Good Nurse Bad Nurse.
This conversation is great because we get to talk about the Good Nurse Bad Nurse podcast and get to know a little bit about the podcaster behind the mic. We discuss our journeys in podcasting, medical true crime, some of our favorite podcast support groups, goals for the GNBN podcast, and more. Tina is a delight to talk to, as you'll hear in this episode.
Go subscribe to Good Nurse Bad Nurse if you haven’t already. I can’t wait to hear the episode I joined in on….it was a lot of fun to record.
If you’re a new listener and you’re here because you love GNBN, let me know in the comments section or on social media.
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Edited with Adobe Audition
Copyright-free music included in this episode found in the YouTube Audio Library: Fresh Healthy Perspectives by Birocratic (YouTube Audio Library)