Nursing Uncensored

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Fan Mail Pt. 2: Nursing Forums, Getting "Unstuck" and Talking to Bosses

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Weeee'reeee back with part 2, answering a list of listener questions, but for the second half, we'll be doing things more rapid-fire style. Well, rapid-fire for us, which still makes for a long episode.

We talk about how to get "unstuck" from a job, how to deal with bosses of all kinds, and much more.

We also want to thank for being such a great resource for nurses at all points on the career path. We talk about our real-life involvement with the site and dream of having some postings of our own someday.

Go check it out - fall down the nursing rabbit hole with us.....from CNAs, to students to RNs to advanced degree nurses, they're all there talking things over.

*this is not a paid sponsorship

MUSIC: Soul (Vlog Music) by Dj Quads
Music promoted by Audio Library


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Recorded with Google Chat and edited with Audacity


Copyright-free music included in this episode found in the YouTube Audio Library: 

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