Helloooo, Nurses!
Nursing Uncensored is a podcast which launched in August of 2017. The show is intended to educate and entertain nurses, students and the public about the realities of living life as a bedside nurse. The show was originally created by Adrianne Behning, RN, with the help of her friends and fellow nurses Andrew Craig and Brad McLaughlin, who will pop in as co-hosts once in awhile. They hope to provide education, advocacy and laughter for nurses, students and allied health workers through the use of storytelling and experience-sharing.
The show was originally called Med Room Chronicles: Nursing Uncensored because the medication room on many hospital units is an important space for the nursing staff. This locked room is not only the place where we gather our thoughts, prepare our patients' medications, and do the best to blow off any steam or frustrations to our co-workers before we put on a happy face and head back out to the busy unit.
It's in this spirit we approached this podcast with a 'med room attitude'. We can say what we want with honesty and candor- and a few curse words - to allow ourselves to vent and keep moving forward as level-headed, competent professionals.
Join us - with an open mind and know that most of this is going to be NSFW or general public settings - perhaps for coarse language, maybe tears, or perhaps for a description of some gross nursey stuff.
While we are real nurses with an intention to provide helpful, reliable information, this is largely entertainment and editorial with learning opportunities mixed in. This podcast is not intended as medical advice, nor is it a legal guideline for nursing practice. Check with your state's Board of Nursing, employer policies and educational guidelines if you have questions about your practice.
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Recorded with Google Chat and edited with Audacity
Copyright-free music included in this episode found in the YouTube Audio Library: