Nursing Uncensored

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The Present and Future of Nursing Uncensored

Hello Nursing Uncensored Universe! You may have noticed that Nursing Uncensored has been on hiatus for the last few weeks. There are a few reasons for that and I think it's time for me to share with you all. I like lists so that's what you're getting. 

1. Like many content creators, recently I have been focused on the Black Lives Matter protests, educating myself, sharing content on my personal pages, and having hard discussions with white acquaintances, friends, and family. I've also been reading, donating, and reflecting with my partner. This is ongoing, but I feel it's time to resume focus on other things IN ADDITION to giving continued focus to this very important time in our society. Nursing Uncensored stands behind BIPOC and LGBTQ communities always. 

2. “The Rona” it's still out there and I remain on tight social-distancing with bae. In this time at home, I've been putting the focus on my mental and physical health, re-evaluating choices I make, focusing on nutrition, and being active. This is the longest period in my life spent exclusively eating meals prepared at home.  I've not eaten from a restaurant since March 12, 2020. I love my local food businesses but this is my path for now. 

3. I've been reevaluating the direction of Nursing Uncensored. We're a couple of months shy of 4 years and I'm proud of the work I've done with my friends and guests. The support I get from you all puts the fire under me to keep going. 

That said, I'm in a period of radio silence right now as I upgrade equipment, processes, and stockpile content.      I'm also debating... DRUMROLL.......switching to a weekly podcast instead of only hitting you with new content twice a month. As the only producer of this content, that's a big commitment for me to make and I'm still working out logistics. I'll share more as I figure things out. 

I appreciate the support, patience, and encouragement from all of you. 

Season 5 is coming! I'll let you all know when it's going to fire up again. ✌️

To entice you here's a teensy peek at topics….. You can expect to hear discussions about dark humor, nurse anesthetists, nurse hackathons, racism in nursing, self-care, healthcare writing, and more! Please stick around for the Nursing Uncensored content you've come to love. 

Thanks for sticking around. I'll talk to you soon. 

