Nursing Uncensored

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All the Projects!! RAWR!

AAHHHH! It's all happening!

I started a podcast with friends; I've dabbled in vlogging.
I've been a massive case of ADHD all over social media.
I had my one-year Nursaversary
I graduated from my Nurse Residency Program.
The new semester began. I'm taking Pathology and Improving Health Systems.
I had a reunion with a friend I haven't seen in 22 years. It was great!
I've been re-binge-watching Sopranos with my man.

And I've totally neglected my blog.

I keep wanting to write out these elaborate, eloquent posts. I just never get to it,

So we're keeping it short and sweet today.

I am just going to share my latest mini-project and hope that it compels you to fall down the rabbit hole that is my internet life.

I hope you enjoy. Like this post. Share with someone who needs some textbook buying guidance and I'll love you forever.

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