Onion Vs Stink Balm: Product Test + First Impression

In this review, Adrianne tests Stink Balm, the herbal answer to all life’s stinky jobs. Before taking the product to her hospital job to test it on some odiferous patient care situations, she thought she’d try it out on a more benign odor in the comfort of her own home. Here she tests out the lavender-scented Stink Balm while cutting a small onion.

Watch to see Adrianne’s first impression of the product. This is *not* a paid sponsorship and the opinions expressed are those of Adrianne alone. Will she like it? Will she tear up? Watch to find out.

Check the product out yourself at https://stinkbalm.net/

If you’ve tried it, share your thoughts in the comments.

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Copyright-free music included in this episode found in the YouTube Audio Library: 


Vlog 3: Hot Mess Express Nurse


Follow Me Around Pt. 2 | Registered Nurse & Podcaster Shenanigans